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Hanging a Mirror In the Nursery

Spring 2016
Safely and securely adding a mirror to the nursery can make the room look larger, brighter, and more sophisticated. Also, babies just love to look at themselves. Here’s what you need to know to add a beautiful mirror to your baby’s room.

Securely fasten the mirror to the wall. This is the most important detail when adding mirrors, artwork or any decor that could fall. A cable wire hung across a single hook or nail is completely out of the question. Thread wire through D hooks on the back of the mirror and tie it off. Note, each D hook will need its own hook in the wall. Always hang your mirror on a stud. Make sure you are using hangers that are rated to handle the weight of your mirror. When mirror is in position, Run your wire through the hangers and secure.

Designer tips:

Maximize natural light: Hanging a mirror in a room with a Southern exposure will reflect golden afternoon light. To achieve this light trick, place the mirror on the wall opposite the window. If you have morning light, try the opposite window. Never hang a mirror on the same wall as your windows.

Group them together: Group like colored mirrors in different shapes, together on a bare wall. This will create a living, reflective art statement.

Tilt: Hang your mirror high, out of baby’s reach, but tilt it downward so it reflects into the room. Baby can look but not touch.

Written by: mary bauer


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