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Are Iron Cribs Safe?

Spring 2015
As makers of the most gorgeous iron cribs, Bratt Decor gets this question all the time. The short answer is, just as with wooden cribs, it depends. If you are buying a brand new crib, by law, all cribs must adhere to the most current safety standards as set forth by the U. S. Consumer Safety Commission. There is absolutely no difference as far as safety is concerned, between a brand new wood crib or a brand new iron crib. Older model and used cribs, regardless of their construction materials, may no longer meet safety standards, and may have been compromised in their integrity with usage and storage. We always recommend, if no where else, buy new when it comes to your crib. After all, this is the place where your baby will spend the most amount of time without your eyes on them.

People fear that because metal is a harder substance than wood, that their child may be at greater risk for injury. But, this simply has no merit. Under normal usage of a brand new crib, weather it is manufactured with metal or wood, there is difference in risk of injury. If a child hits his mouth hard on a wooden crib or a metal crib, he will, in all likelihood, experience the same busted lip. Furthermore, because metal is not bite friendly, kids can’t sink their teeth into it the way the can with wooden cribs, they tend not to chew on their crib, resulting in even less busted lips.

There are differences however, between wood and iron cribs. For instance, wood is an organic material, that changes over time. Real wood responds to the moisture in the air, and can expand and contract depending upon how much moisture is in the wood, causing cracking. Also, wood, if not properly stored, breaks down much faster. Wood is more prone to chipping and is a softer material. Iron, on the other hand, if properly sealed, will not change over time, is far more resistant to environmental factors, and will generally retain its shape and construction far better over time. All of our iron cribs are powder coated and sealed to resist chipping, rusting, and changes. The finish is silky smooth.

All of Bratt Decor’s cribs are designed and manufactured with the highest safety and quality considerations. So, when choosing between wood and iron, choose the for the look, the size, the price tag, all of which vary, but be assured, there is no unsafe choice. Every crib we design meets or exceeds all current U. S. safety standards. We’ve been making beautiful cribs since 1995, and have never had a recall. We pride ourselves on being proactive in safety design, going above and beyond what is required, to ensure that your child will sleep safely in their Bratt Decor crib.

Vist to see our entire line of gorgeous iron/metal baby cribs.

Written by: Mary Bauer Bratt Decor, Inc


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